Welcome to Sparkleen Dental. Our optimal goal is to provide you and your family with the highest quality of dental care while maintaining a friendly, safe and relaxing environment. To keep our standard of care to a level which best serves your dental needs, we ask that you please review the following office guidelines:

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Our office hours are as follows:

  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday-Friday: 10:00am – 6:00pm
  • Saturday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Dental appointments are considered confirmed at the time of booking. This means we are reserving time with the dentist, assistant and/or dental hygienist and the procedure space for our patient. Therefore, we request that if any patient cannot attend the scheduled appointment, they contact our office with at least 48 hours’ notice to notify us and reschedule. There is an associated fee of $100.00 for missed or short-notice-cancelled appointments. As a courtesy, we contact patients 2 business days before their appointment to remind them of the time reserved for them; this allows us to offer that reserved time to someone else.

Please note: Insurance companies do not cover fees for missed or short cancelled appointments; therefore, payment is the patient’s responsibility, and all future scheduled or required appointments will no longer be held or booked respectively until the assessed fee has been paid.

Medical & Personal Updates

Changes to your overall medical health have an impact on your dental health. Therefore, it is essential that all patients keep us updated regarding their overall health and the medications they are taking. Be sure to bring a list of any medications you are taking to your first visit, and continue to update us as your health evolves. Please inform us when personal information changes occur, such as an address, phone number, and e-mail. This allows for a smooth experience at the office and with your insurance provider.

Emergency Appointments

As a courtesy to our prescheduled patients, a phone call is requested before coming in with an emergency. This will help us reduce waiting time for everyone. We will do our best to look after you as soon as possible. For emergencies outside of patient hours, please phone our regular office number for voice message instructions. Please note that during an emergency appointment, the dentist will do their absolute best to relieve your pain and discomfort and will make a diagnosis regarding a necessary treatment plan. We will be happy to discuss further treatment options and any associated fees at that time.

Privacy Policy

Sparkleen Dental is committed to protecting the privacy of its patient’s personal information and utilizing all personal information responsibly and professionally. Any information collected by your dentist or dental hygienist is used only for the purpose of diagnosing dental conditions, providing and consulting about dental treatment, billing and correspondence with your insurance company. We value your privacy and will not share your information with other parties without your consent. We comply fully with the federal privacy legislation, the Privacy Information and Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). We thank you for your cooperation and understanding of our office policies, which will help maintain a healthy, respectful, and safe environment.